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Garnet Blasting Media: Garnering More Share of the Blast Abrasives Market

  • Posted by: Keith Gabbard
  • Category: Abrasive Knowledge

When it comes to abrasive blasting, choosing the right media is crucial for achieving the desired results efficiently and safely. Garnet blasting media stands out as an optimum choice due to its unique properties and advantages. In this blog, we’ll explore what garnet blasting media is, its safety, how it compares to other blasting media, and related topics to provide a thorough understanding of this essential blast abrasive.

What is Garnet Blasting Media?

Garnet blasting media is an abrasive material used primarily in abrasive blasting and waterjet cutting. Garnet is a naturally occurring mineral known for its hardness and durability. Hard Rock Garnet is typically mined, crushed, and processed to create uniform particles suitable for blasting applications. Hard Rock Garnet particles are angular, which makes them effective at cutting through coatings, rust, and other surface contaminants.

Alluvial Garnet is derived from beach sands – is less angular than Hard Rock Garnet – does not break down as readily and is therefore less dusty.  However, Alluvial Garnet is not quite as aggressive as Hard Rock and will create a somewhat smoother profile.

Garnet – either Hard Rock or Alluvial – is gaining in popularity due the moderate cost, blasting efficiencies, low toxicity, recyclability and availability.

Safety of Garnet Blasting Media

Safety is a paramount concern when selecting blasting media. Garnet blasting media is considered one of the safer options available. This is mainly because garnet has an extremely low content of crystalline silica, a substance found in traditional abrasive blasting media – particularly silica sand. Crystalline silica can cause silicosis, a severe lung disease, when inhaled. Garnet, being substantially free from this hazardous crystalline compound, significantly reduces the health risks associated with abrasive blasting.

In addition, Garnet is without – or has very, very low concentrations of trace heavy metals – including Barium, Selenium, Beryllium, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium (III & V), etc. as compared to traditional blast abrasives.

However, as with all Abrasive Blast materials safety precautions are still necessary when using garnet blasting media. Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as respiratory protection, eye protection, and protective clothing should be used to prevent inhalation of dust and incident contact with skin. Adequate ventilation and dust collection systems should also be in place to ensure a safe working environment.

Garnet Blasting vs. Other Blasting Media

Garnet blasting is often compared to traditional blasting media – such as steel grit, aluminum oxide, or coal slag. Each type of blasting media has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the blasting task. Here’s how garnet blasting stacks up against grit blasting:

  1. Cleaner Finish: Garnet blasting media produces a cleaner finish with less dust and residue – like Aluminum Oxide & Steel Grit. This is particularly beneficial in applications where a high-quality, critical finish is essential, such as in the preparation of surfaces for tank linings, immersion service, buried pipeline and chemical resistant applications.
  2. Efficiency: Garnet’s hardness and particle stability make it effective at cutting through tough coatings and rust, making it a more efficient option in many cases. This efficiency can translate to faster job completion and reduced labor costs – along with lower Consumption Rates. Depending on the specific project, Garnet many times is the lowest cost per square foot compared to all other abrasives.
  3. Environmental Impact: Garnet is a more environmentally friendly option compared to many traditional blasting media. It is non-toxic, can be recycled multiple times (3 to 5 times), and often results in less waste. This makes it a preferred choice for projects with stringent environmental regulations. Garnet generates extremely low dust levels during the abrasive blast operation due to overall stability and resistance to fracturing.
  4. Surface Profile: Garnet blasting media can create a more uniform surface profile, which is crucial for the adhesion of coatings. A consistent surface profile ensures that coatings adhere properly, leading to longer-lasting and more durable finishes.

Hardest Sandblasting Media

For applications requiring extreme toughness and durability, the hardness of the blasting media is a key consideration. The hardest sandblasting media commonly used include:

  1. Aluminum Oxide: Known for its exceptional hardness and strength, aluminum oxide is used for high-precision work. It is effective at removing tough coatings and preparing surfaces for various treatments. Its durability allows it to be reused multiple times, making it a cost-effective option for many applications. Very High Cost.
  2. Silicon Carbide: Even harder than aluminum oxide, silicon carbide is used for the most demanding applications. It is suitable for blasting the hardest surfaces, including metals and ceramics. Its extreme hardness makes it highly aggressive, allowing it to quickly and efficiently remove material from surfaces. Very, very High Cost.
  3. Garnet: Nearly as hard as Aluminum Ox or Silicon Carbide, Garnet provides an economical alternative for high-performance surface preparation – particularly where recycling is possible. Garnet is aggressive enough for tough coating removal at very efficient Production Rates – compared to all abrasives.  It is also Moderate Cost compared to Al Ox or Silicon Carbide.

Most Aggressive Blasting Media

In abrasive blasting, the aggressiveness of the media determines how quickly and effectively it can remove material from surfaces – without rapid media breakdown. The most aggressive blasting media include:

  1. Silicon Carbide: Due to its extreme hardness, silicon carbide is highly aggressive and can quickly remove material from surfaces. It is ideal for heavy-duty applications where fast and efficient material removal is required.
  2. Aluminum Oxide: Also very aggressive, aluminum oxide is used for applications requiring substantial material removal. Its sharp, angular particles make it effective at cutting through tough coatings and contaminants.
  3. Steel Grit: Steel grit is effective for aggressive cleaning and stripping applications. It is commonly used in industrial settings where heavy-duty blasting is necessary. Its durability and ability to be reused make it a cost-effective option for large-scale projects.
  4. Garnet: Garnet is in the upper tier of aggressivity like Aluminum Ox, Silicon Carbide or Steel Grit (but more aggressive than Steel Shot) – and Garnet is more aggressive than all other traditional abrasives. Garnet provides an economical alternative for high-performance surface preparation – particularly where recycling is possible.  Aggressive enough for tough coating removal at very efficient Production Rates – compared to all abrasives.  Moderate Cost per lb compared to Al Ox or Silicon Carbide.

Garnet blasting media is a versatile and effective choice for a wide range of blasting applications. Its safety, efficiency, and environmental benefits make it a preferred option over traditional blasting media.  Garnet is suitable for nearly all abrasive blasting tasks, including extremely tough and thick films, corrosion or other surface contaminants.

When selecting blasting media, it is essential to consider the specific requirements for degree of cleanliness, surface profile, conditions of the coating system to be removed along with environmental limitations on dust levels, containment, or other engineering design elements. By understanding the properties and advantages of different blasting media, one can make an informed decision that meets your project’s needs.

Whether you are preparing surfaces for painting, removing rust, or performing heavy-duty cleaning, garnet blasting media offers a reliable, economical and effective solution. Its combination of safety, performance, cost and environmental benefits ensures that it will continue to grow as the premier choice in the abrasive blasting industry for years to come.

keith gabbard tcr blast abrasives
Author: Keith Gabbard
Keith Gabbard has been helping blast shops and industrial painting contractors for almost 40 years and he understands the keys to improving blasting systems that can make a huge difference in your performance and profits.